> Hello
> *Please send the profile to ke...@ifuturistics.com)
> *
> Need CRM Developer
> Location : Providence , RI.
> Duration : 6 Month
> Rate : Open
> Required for this position is *Dynamics CRM 4.0* development skills.
> *CRM Developer – Job Description:*
> The Developer Consultant will focus on the following to support the project
> to prepare company to integrate our back-end systems with our “under
> construction” Extranet.
> §  *Data Quality* there are several data quality items needed to be
> completed within CRM to ensure the data being supplied to the extranet. This
> will more than likely involve web development skills ASP.NET<http://asp.net/>,
> C# for “plug-ins,” and JavaScript using various CRM development tools
> (e.g. Stunnware and ADX Studio).
> Adjust the current CRM/Policy system (SQL Server database) integration to
> ensure Data Consistency between the two systems
> Eliminate the causes for data anomalies (“orphan” records, etc…)
> Develop input validation, for example using Stunnware’s filtered views.
> §  *Data Capture* – further integration between CRM and Policy system (SQL
> Server database) is needed to capture policy and location data within CRM to
> support metrics needed for Underwriters (and eventually extranet users).
> This work will more than likely be done using Scribe, a third party toolfor 
> defining DTS packages for Microsoft CRM.
> Expand the Policy to CRM integration to include high-level policy and
> location data.
> Create a CRM to Policy Integration for contacts allowing the staff to
> manage all contacts and their relationships to Accounts and Brokers
> Create a CRM to Policy Integration for brokers allowing the staff to manage
> all brokers within CRM.
> *Skills Needed:* CRM 4.0 development skills, JavaScript, C# for plug-in
> development, Scribe for data integration, and good SQL skills are
> required. SSRS for CRM reporting and use of third-party development tools
> (Stunnware and ADX Studio) is preferable. Must be able to work independently
> and provide accurate updates to project manager.
> --
> Regards,
> Kevin | iFuturistics Inc | Direct: 914-455-4228 | ke...@ifuturistics.com |
> www.ifuturistics.com |
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Kevin | iFuturistics Inc | Direct: 914-455-4228 | ke...@ifuturistics.com |
www.ifuturistics.com |

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