On Fri, 2005-02-11 at 09:35 +0100, Made Wiryana wrote:

> > 
> > > 3. Apa ada yang kerja di vendor oracle atau pelanggan oracle, apa
> > > memang benar seperti itu ? Atau, placement nya Linux di oracle hanya
> > > untuk mengajak orang migrate ke oracle pakai linux, lalu kalau memang
> > > kurang kenceng / jelek, disuruh orang itu beli mesin yang beneran e.g
> > > Sun, IBM, etc ?
> > 
> > Pertanyaan ini kalau dijawab tanpa bukti eksperimen, bisa menjadi
> > debat tanpa ujung. :D
> > Sepanjang tidak ada masalah, dipakai saja terus.
> > Mengutip kalimat dari Gus Dur, "begitu saja kok repot"
> Beli mesin SUN; tapi dalamnya AMD terus jalanin Linux gitu maksudnya he he he

4. What distributions of Linux does Oracle support? 

The following distributions are certified and supported by Oracle: 

      * Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS and ES 
      * SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server
      * Asianux 1.0 : the products supported by Oracle, as part of
        Asianux, include Red Flag DC 4.1 Asianux Inside and Miracle
        Linux 3.0 Asianux Inside. Oracle provides Unbreakable support in
      * Oracle will continue to provide customer support for UnitedLinux
        1.0, throughout its life cycle, on all the existing Oracle
        products that are already supported on UnitedLinux. The products
        supported by Oracle, as part of UnitedLinux, include : 
              * Conectiva Linux Enterprise Edition powered by
              * SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 powered by UnitedLinux 
              * TurboLinux Enterprise Server 8 powered by UnitedLinux 

Oracle does not want to support fragmentation in the Linux operating
system market. There are an indeterminate number of Linux distributions
in the market. Customers have consistently asked for stability, better
performance, and reliability of the Linux platform as well as
enterprise-class support. Oracle cannot be effective in servicing
customers if we attempt to support a large number of different Linux

Paket yang kita jual itu Sun Fire V20z dan V40z, yang isinya Opteron,
pakai RHEL AS 3.0, dan baik baik saja pakai Oracle 10g.
Pernah coba pakai Fedora Core 3 maupun Java Dekstop System R3 Linux,
diinstall Oracle 10g, gak bisa bisa.

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