Zaki Akhmad wrote:
> m.c. ptrwn wrote:
> >
> > Makanya untuk anak muda Indonesianya , biar Indonesia bisa kaya' India
> > beberapa puluh tahun lagi , buruan aja tiru cara India: Join persh R&D:
> >   Infineon, Nvidia , Marvell , Genentech , Cisco , Google , Microsoft ,
> > atau startup "Kung Pau Networks"* etc , terserah tergantung minat ,
> > nanti kalau sudah jago baru kita bikin lagi versi Indonesianya :-)
> Minta tolong Bang Carlos. Kalau perusahaan-perusahaan yang Bang Carlos
> sebutkan diatas buka lowongan kerjaan, diceritakan disini ya. Saya kan
> langganannya masih KOMPAS. Jadi ya gak bakal nemuin lowongan Google lah
> disini.
> O iya, Pak Pantas (CMIIW) dari Marvell kalau buka lowongan diberitahu
> juga ya disini. Terus persyaratannya sekalian. Biar bisa belajar dari
> sekarang, apa-apa aja yang harus dikuasai.

Good  Questions (finally) ... he he :-)

ini Zak saya copy pastekan email dari headhunter yang tiap 2 hari masuk
ke mailbox saya, karena isinya gak privat saya pikir OK saja , siapa
tahu ada yang qualified..

posisi ini untuk Network Software Hacker :)


Subject: Startup in Lost Altos (Content Delivery)

Good Afternoon Carlos,
I am a headhunter with . A client of mine, Radiance Technologies, is
looking for a senior engineer to develop network solutions for their
content delivery product. Specifically they need someone with good
knowledge of how TCP/UDP sockets work and great C++ coding skills. I
have included their URL and job description below. Please let me know
if you are interested or if you know someone who might be.
Job Title: Software Engineer - Networking

The Company:
Radiance Technologies ( is solving the toughest, most
mission-critical data delivery challenges for global leaders in
aerospace, automotive, marketing operation, media and entertainment,
and defense. These enterprises trust the company's flagship product,
the TrueDelivery System, to reliably, securely, and efficiently deliver
their most valuable digital assets across the most challenging network
infrastructure in the world.
The Opportunity:
To keep pace with its growing business and customer requirements,
Radiance is seeking a Network Software Engineer. This role requires a
highly motivated individual that can become a member of a highly
skilled and experiences engineering team. The ideal candidate will have
5-10 years of experience, including development of multi-threaded, high
performance, distributed network applications.
An undergraduate degree in Computer Science or Electrical Engineering
A minimum of 5 years experience as a Software Developer
Proven C, C++ Development experience
Knowledge of network and communication protocols such as TCP/IP, HTTP,
Strong knowledge of network firewalls, proxies, and similar network
Experience developing multi-threaded, high performance, distributed
network applications
Ability to work independently and fit into a small engineering team
Experience conducting network communication and system level
performance analysis
Knowledge of low-level network routing and networking protocols
Strong knowledge of Linux, Windows, Solaris OS and network stack
Java programming, XML, Web Services experience a plus
Experience working for small, dynamic start-up

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