Baca berita ini agak dramatis.

Dean Engineering UC-Berkeley melobby Universitas China untuk punya
satelit campus di Berkeley ! !

Bukan sebaiknya seperti kita yang mau serba amerikah , amazing ternyata
sudah begitu 'desperate'nya universitas di AS untuk menarik lebih
banyak lagi orang2 pintar dari China/India.

If the smartest and most innovative people are here, he argued, then
the Bay Area will become a ``bump'' in the flat world that continues to
support greater prosperity and opportunity for its residents.

To help make that happen, Newton is now lobbying Tsing Hua University
in Beijing to set up a satellite campus in Berkeley. He's also trying
to lure other top-notch universities around the world, in hopes some of
the students who study here will stay -- a process he called
``intellectual insourcing.''

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