Mungkin pertanyaan-nya, apa aja sih yang dikerjakan oleh orang IT?
Ada beberapa IT, yang istilah-nya cuman install komputer & jalanin anti virus.
Sedangkan ada juga orang IT yang kerjanya bikin aplikasi pembantu
untuk kepentingan perusahaan, juga instalasi, administrasi dan testing sistem
operasi/aplikasi baru sebelum diberikan ke user, dll.


> Excerpt:
> ""Are I.T. Workers Blue Collar?" Interesting question. I was recently
> asked this by some executives who were concerned with improving the
> productivity of their I.T. departments. I asked them to explain why
> they thought this way. They contended their I.T. people (e.g.,
> analysts and programmers) exhibit a lot of blue collar
> characteristics, e.g., repetition in types of work performed, they do
> not dress or act like professionals, and regularly punch in and out of
> work with little interest in going above and beyond the call of duty."


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