Le mardi 30 octobre 2012 à 17:03 +0100, Olivier Crête a écrit :
> On Tue, 2012-10-30 at 15:40 +0100, Xavier Claessens wrote:
> > Folks DB
> > ========
> > Folks is about merging Personas, so I suggest having a separate DB that does
> > just that.
> I think being able to sync the merging between multiple machines/devices
> is important. If I understand correctly, storing it in the vcard in EDS
> achieves that (I can put it in Google Contacts). Having a separate
> database breaks that property.

Which made gnome-contacts ask a question about which addressbook to use,
that I cannot answer myself... I think that solution has just far too
much disadvantages to counter the small benefit. If we have smart
auto-merging suggestions like Marco's plugin on N900 it's just a matter
of clicking "yes merge them" on all devices.

Xavier Claessens.

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