On Tue, 2012-10-30 at 17:06 +0000, Philip Withnall wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-10-30 at 17:42 +0100, Xavier Claessens wrote:
> > it's just a matter of clicking "yes merge them" on all devices.
> Even if I’d written the code myself and was sure it was perfect, I
> (personally) could never trust it enough to click “yes link them” on all
> devices without checking things. I don’t think this is a feasible
> approach.

I would be very happy with a version that showed all the matches and had
a pre-checked box for "Link?" next to all of them.

I think it's relatively easy to get a huge portion of the matching done
correctly. And we could hopefully highlight/warn about less-confident
matches. Maybe use a scheme like:

confidence < X%:       don't show in list
X% <= confidence < Y%: show in list, unchecked
confidence >= Y%:      show in list, checked

with some simple way of communicating  that idea. I'd probably start
with X=75, Y=90 (since I think our proposed matches API is relatively

This simple application could be called from any place that supports
linking of some variety (though I suppose that means Gnome Contacts and
not Empathy at this point).


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