On Jul 16, 2008, at 6:43 PM, Ayhan Ulusoy wrote:

 > > I use Template-Toolkit for the web and I am quite happy with it.
 > > Now, I will have to come up with a way to render the template in
 > > multiple languages.
 > >
 > > I've looked at several CPAN modules such as i18n and
 > > Locale::Maketext::Lexicon, . Both function with lexicons and both
 > > use PO files. i18n is a Perl source filter that wraps around the
 > > latter. And they seem to be very good when you deal with strings
 > > from within a Perl program.
 > >
 > > But what about Template-Toolkit?
 > >
 > > Would any of you know of a cool way of doing this just like i18n
 > > does for Perl? Is there a Plugin or a filter for Template-Toolkit?
 > >
 > >

Some cool ideas from Eric and Lee, although this:

[% lh.maketext('Great googly moogly, why did you kill me [_1]?', you) %]

Kinda rubs me the wrong way because it seems like *another* language ;)

As an exercise I wonder how many lanugages are needed to render the 
above... PERL, probably SQL, TT, Maketext, HTML, likely CSS and/or 
Javascript, not to mention English!  Horror.

Anyway... what would be really cool is if some of the people here using 
TT in i18n-type contexts could describe how and what they are doing 
because I am for sure going to have to do this in the next months and 
I'd like to pick from the genius of others :)

So in addition to the methods from Eric:
and Lee: 

there's also this from PM: http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=466269

Also in this PM thread are some great approaches too.

I hope this helps somebody looking for these solutions.

McIntosh Cooey - Twelve Hundred Group LLC - http://www.1200group.com/

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