On this subject, is there a way to change the configuration options of a 
Template process once it is already created. If instance, I have my 
Template->new(...) persistent outside the mod_perl handler, but would 
like to change the STAT_TTL depending on the domain name being used to 
access the server. A public domain gets STAT_TTL of 60, a non-public one 
gets 0, or perhaps caching disabled altogether.

That way if a fix is made on the fly, I double-check it's done properly 
without waiting for 60 seconds.


Josh Rosenbaum wrote:
> R. Hicks wrote:
>> What scenarios benefit from that? I am running under CGI and the pages 
>> don't change a whole lot.
>> Robert
> As C. Chad Wallace said, you'd benefit from this since you're using CGI. 
> There are very few instances where you would want to have compilation turned 
> off.
> I'd suggest reading the caching/compiling documentation if you haven't 
> already:
> http://template-toolkit.org/docs/manual/Config.html#section_Caching_and_Compiling_Options
> Being able to skip parsing/processing the original document and instead just 
> parse/run the perl is definitely better.
> -- Josh
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