Hello list,

I've been an on-again off-again subscriber to this list, but a long time 
user of the library, and even submitted a patch a few years ago.  I 
wanted to tell you all a bit about the (commercial) project I've been 
using the toolkit for lately.  I don't want to come across as spammy, 
and hoped you might be interested.

I am developing a hosted content management system, a derivative of work 
I have been doing for the last 8 years.  The template system for the CMS 
is the Template Toolkit.  I've stubbed off some of the system-level 
access stuff (DBI, file access, etc), but the rest of it is there and 
available to site owners, and more significantly, site developers.  I 
hoped that this might pique the interest of some of you enough to come 
and check it out, give me feedback, and hopefully use the software.  The 
service lives at:


I did try running this message by Andy about a month ago to see if 
posting this to the list was okay, but imagine it got lost in the tubes 
on the way.


Stephen Howard

templates mailing list

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