2011/9/9 Todd Wade <tr...@sbcglobal.net>:
> From: Oleg Kostyuk <cub.ua...@gmail.com>
>> Well, then I think you satisfied your academic interest? :) With
>> addition from Chad, everything is really clear now, I think.
> Everything always was clear. I just wanted to see what everyone else thinks.
> See one of my recent posts, I posted the diff of how I modified
> Template::Document to use File::MkTemp instead of File::Temp. This does what I
> want.

I saw your post, and I wrote what I wrote because I think that what
you did was wrong. IMHO, using separate user is only correct way to

> Todd W.
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Sincerely yours,
Oleg Kostyuk (CUB-UANIC)

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