[this might be a repost; the first attept didn't show up]

I'm using the C API of tesseract 4.0 on OS X, and I tried to add some more 
characters.   (4.0 seems much better than 3.x, I should add - thanks to 
everyone who made this possible!)

I used this manual 

as a guide to construct the following 
script:  https://pastebin.com/4n2mRSpq     

Before running, I modified  langdata/eng/eng.training_text with the extra 
chars, maybe 15 instances of each, as instructed.

I'm using only a subset of the original training fonts, but I figure it is 
OK, since I'm adding only a few distinctive chars.   

The NN optimizer lstmtraining ran, and gave a bunch of checkpoints, and a 
final file $train_output_dir/eng/eng.trainedata

But this eng.traineddata was 5MB when the original one was 15.4MB.    And 
when I tried to copy it over the pre-loaded 'best' eng.traineddata and run 
tesseract it failed in TessBaseAPIinit3 with error=-1.

Does anyone know why 1) my eng.trainedata is so much smaller and 2) why it 
fails to even load in API init()?

Thanks for any tips!

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