Doug MacEachern wrote:
> whenever there is a  <VirtualHost mod_foo> and mod_foo is available, it
> is expanded into:
> Listen $port_counter
> <VirtualHost _default_:$port_counter>
>     ServerName $servername:$port_counter
> where $port_counter starts at the default 8529 and is incremented
> for each VirtualHost.  <VirtualHost mod_foo_ssl> is expanded the
> same way, but only if $ssl_module (normally mod_ssl.c) is also
> available.

That makes sense -- now that you've explained it.  find and grep
were completely useless for figuring this out, so thanks!

> the port number can then be looked up on the client side
> using the module name.  t/protocol/echo.t for example:
> my @modules = qw(mod_echo);
> if (Apache::Test::have_ssl()) {
>     $tests *= 2;
>     unshift @modules, 'mod_echo_ssl';
> }
> for my $module (@modules) {
>     my $sock = Apache::TestRequest::vhost_socket($module);
> first time through, $sock is a socket connected to the port mod_echo is
> listening on, second time is mod_echo with SSL enabled.

Um, how does t/ssl/basicauth.t know to which port the request should
be directed?  As a f'r instance?

Damn, this stuff is FM.. :-)
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Golux.Com/coar/
Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/

"All right everyone!  Step away from the glowing hamburger!"

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