wiadomosc od David N. Welton, z dnia Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 05:48:10PM -0700

> Is it a goal of the flood project to make a library out of it?  In
> other words, expose an API that other programs could pass data into
> and out of, and link to?  Or will XML be the only way to do this?

It will probably be XML only. If you want other software on top of flood,
you'll have to wrap it around flood binary (with pipes or so).

> I started doing this with 'ab', and was directed to flood as a more
> modern effort with more work going into it.  It looks pretty good so
> far!

Yeah, but we still have a lot of work to do. Voulnteers and patches welcome :)

> Just out of curiosity, will flood be supplanting 'ab' at some point?

This is probably best for Aaron or Justin to answer, but IMHO no. ApacheBench
is a very simple tool. You can hit just one url, no config file, etc. It's
just fine when it comes to simple testing. Flood can hit many url's, has
structured config file, and besides typical stress tests, it can be used also
for 'web application regression tests' and 'web capacity planning'. Well...
sort of... most of the features aren't implemented yet, but we're moving
forward ;))

Jacek Prucia
7bulls.com S.A.

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