Geoffrey Young wrote:

That leads to different version of Apache:PageKit in the lib and blib/lib directories. With the current version of Apache::Test the version in lib is tested. But 'make install' installs the version from blib/lib. And depending from your perl they are different.

so you want Apache-Test to test _only_ the version in blib and _never_ the version in lib, right?

this kinda confirms my suspicion that stas

    % env APACHE_TEST_LIVE_DEV=1 t/TEST -conf

patch does exactly the opposite of what you wanted.

No, my patch does the right thing. It does not add 'lib' by default. It adds it only if APACHE_TEST_LIVE_DEV=1 is there.

I reported that to Stas and he explaind that the lib path is hardcoded to make development easier.

for the record, I need to re-iterate how much I dislike that idea in the first place :)

For the record, it's that idea is now optional, so unfortunately you there is not much left to dislike ;)

As a solution he suggest a ENV var that when set prefer the lib dir for development.

so, what I gather is that what APACHE_TEST_LIVE_DEV=1 ought to do is not add lib to @INC, but rather ensure that lib is not used at all, thus forcing the tests to use blib (as is the standard practice everywhere I know about except Apache-Test). does that sound right?

Forget the APACHE_TEST_LIVE_DEV=1 option. I added it for myself and others who want to develop against 'lib'. By default you don't need to do anything and you never get 'lib' autoinserted for you.

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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