Geoffrey Young wrote:

Stas Bekman wrote:

Geoffrey Young wrote:

+ elsif ($base = $self->apxs('PREFIX')) {
+ warning "using apxs-derived ServerRoot $base to resolve $file";

May be better to say it all?

          warning "since ServerRoot is not defined, " .
              "using apxs-derived PREFIX $base to resolve $file";

I suppose the wording could be reworked.

sure ;)

While you are at it, I'd also add a check that $base exists and it's a directory before you call rel2abs, because it can be a broken value.

I think it's safe to assume if you pass in $base you know what you're doing (especially since nobody appears to be passing in $base :)

yes, but you attempt to do: $base = $self->apxs('PREFIX')

what if it returns a non-existing dir? apxs may be not adjusted to the movement of the files post-install. It doesn't hurt to check.

as for checking the resulting ServerRoot, yeah, I thought about that. I suppose it can't hurt.

And also check that rel2abs gives us a an existing filename

this function is starting to explode a bit...

So what, it's just a function. Why not making it foolproof why we are spending time at it.

and it's an absolute_path.

no sense checking that - rel2abs returns an absolute path by definition.

what if it fails?

or die otherwise.

I don't think we should die here - it's not fatal to the build process if 'perl Makefile.PL' can't resolve testing files.

Hmm, look at your patch, you die if there is no base. I was just following your idea ;)

__________________________________________________________________ Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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