Geoffrey Young wrote:
I wasn't clear enough, but the proposed
would be
appended to the generated httpd.conf rather than pulled in via Include.
would that not suit the needs that the current patch resolves?

Please see below

would there really be a need to pull in more than one config into the
httpd.conf that couldn't be met via Include?

No, have_module() won't see those modules. It must be parsed via
inheriting scheme or come up with a new way. the new option seems to be
the simplest solution.

I don't see your point here.  once you splice together the current
httpd.conf with the new file (however it's generated) have_module would have
access to the information it needs.

By splicing you mean 'Include ken_extra.conf' from t/conf/httpd.conf? Yes, but have_module() doesn't look it up in any of the conf files, it looks it up from the config object $cfg->{modules} which get populate with available modules when the config is generated, and it only scans the inherited file, it doesn't scan any of the files in t/conf.

Ken doesn't want it to be inside t/conf/, since he will have it
elsewhere. He doesn't want to touch the A-T project's file. That's what
I understood.

ok, that's a valid reason.

anyway I was just making a suggestion - it seems limiting to me not to have
substitution in extra configuration files,

But that's exactly what Ken doesn't want. He wants to give his own file which he has cooked already. This new option and your suggestion don't contradict each other. and each has a merit for existence.

or to be able to specify one kind
of config file from the command line but not others.  but it's not like I
have the tuits to do anything about it now anyway, so I guess it stays as is :)


Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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