>   [Sun Jul 11 16:31:59 2004] [notice] Accept mutex: sysvsem (Default: sysvsem)
>   Warning: Use of "require" without parentheses is ambiguous at (eval 12) 
> line 1.
>   [Sun Jul 11 16:32:01 2004] [error] Undefined subroutine 
> &TestApache::My::Bug::bug-tm::handler called.\n
>   [Sun Jul 11 16:32:01 2004] [info] removed PID file 
> /home/william/perl/bug-reporting-skeleton-mp1/t/logs/httpd.pid (pid=2537)
> Do you see this error when you run my package?


> This makes me think that there may be a problem in the bug testing
> framework itself when used in conjunction with the -testmore action.

I don't think so :)

> I
> don't see a require statement in Bug.pm so am at a loss to say why this
> would be failing. I tried changing the name of bug-tm.pm to bug_tm.pm in
> case the hypen was a problem; it didn't help. Any other ideas?

I changed it to bugpm.pm (and changed the package name) and it worked fine.


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