On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 03:23:46PM -0500, Stas Bekman wrote:
> Geoffrey Young wrote:
> >
> >>what's the replacement for .cvsignore under svn? I can't see where the
> >>data in .cvsignore has migrated to.
> >
> >
> >each directory now has properties and one of those properties is which 
> >files
> >to ignore.  see
> Yes, but how do I see the change? I've seen Joe removing .cvsignore files. 
> I have no idea whether he has added the properties for each of the removed 
> files or not. The changes should be emailed no?

The .cvsignore properties were automatically added into the svn:ignore
properties by cvs2svn when the repos was converted, so when I removed
the .cvsignore files that's all I did, nothing else needed tweaking.

When a propchange is committed a notification mail *will* be sent, but
the post-commit script won't actually tell you the before-and-after in
that case, it seems.  I'm not sure whether that's a deficiency of the
script being used or of SVN itself.

(For Geoff): the quick'n'easy way to add a file to svn:ignore is:

  $ svn propedit svn:ignore .

which brings up the property contents in $EDITOR.


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