Christopher H. Laco wrote:
Stas Bekman wrote:

Christopher H. Laco wrote:

OK, I'm a programmer, not a writer. Be gentle.
Nothing major, just the a mention of cookie_jar and additional headers via the second param in GET (and probably others?).

While I was at it, I made sure all of the need* examples were all the same; which meant removing \& and &. The bare versions seemed to be the most prevelant.

Thanks Chris, commited. But see below.

Also in the future please try to post diffs against the root of the project so it's easier to apply those. Thanks.

I assume you mean, and not just the root of Apache-Test correct?

No, no, the root of A-T. An example will be more useful:

--- lib/Apache/  (revision 109410)
+++ lib/Apache/  (working copy)

I can chdir into the root of the project and apply your patch immediately.

+  Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(reset =>,
+                                  cookie_jar => {});

Sorry, but what's that 'reset => ' thing? I've committed just:

  Apache::TestRequest::user_agent(cookie_jar => {});

as in the test.

Geez. Apparently I'm in the clouds this week. Maybe I need to do these changes during the day instead of at night. :-/


C<Apache::TestRequest> exports a number of functions that will likely
@@ -837,6 +850,11 @@
Sends a simple GET request to the Apache test server. Returns an
C<HTTP::Response> object.
+You can also supply additional headers to be sent with the request
+by adding their name/value pairs after the C<url> parameter:

really it's a dup of the more extensive docs at:

Well, yes, and that was on purpose. I hated reading the A-T pod and never knowing there was an extra param for GET. THe pod usualy is enough to get start, and I wouldn't exptec to have to read:

Agreed, but dups are evil from the maintenance point of view. I'd rather have everything in one place and have the other document link to the first one. Unfortunately A-T pods are nowhere on

Were you looking for something more extensive?

No, no, it's perfectly fine. The next person looking for the same solution will most likely easily find it.

Stas Bekman            JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker     mod_perl Guide --->

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