I found out Apache-test on Chris Shiflett's ApacheCon blog:
I'm having trouble running the apache-test-demo downloadable from the
same page. Here's what I've done:
1. I'm running Ubuntu, installed Apache2 and PHP5 via apt-get. My php
app is up and running.
2. I downloaded and installed Apache-test from http://
3. Download the demo: http://shiflett.org/apache-test-demo.tar.gz;
unpack it
4. perl Makefile.PL -apxs /usr/bin/apxs2
5. make test
Right after that, I got this error message:
/usr/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib \
t/TEST -clean
[warning] setting ulimit to allow core files
ulimit -c unlimited; /usr/bin/perl /home/dirksen/apache-test-demo/t/
TEST -clean
[warning] cleaning up the old config
Use of uninitialized value in open at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.7/
Apache/TestServer.pm line 315, <DATA> line 2.
Use of uninitialized value in open at /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.7/
Apache/TestServer.pm line 315, <> line 512.
make: *** [test_clean] Error 2
I'm newby Linux user. I've googled the error message, but found
nothing. Could someone give me hint as what went wrong?