On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 12:33 -0500, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> >>>>> "SR" == Scott Robbins <scot...@nyc.rr.com> writes:
> SR> I've never quite understood this logic.  If it's working, there is a
> SR> change in Fedora, and it doesn't work, this is NVidia's job to fix?
> Yes, precisely.
> Their code is not open; we can't fix it.  Who else's job could it
> possibly be but their when they are the only ones with the code?

Actually, this is an oversimplified view based on pure ideology - and
exactly the one which causes issues between the OpenSource and other

It assumes that Fedora's code is perfect because it's open, and that
because nVidia's code broke from a change in Fedora code that the
problem must be nVidia's. History proves something different - that the
real problem could be in either code base, and has been before.

Since nVidia is not likely to open their code anytime soon, the issues
of how to troubleshoot where the problems lie can't be completely
collaborative. And this decision by nVidia means they wind up having to
look at both code bases to find the problem, with little help from
Fedora Project. They then either patch their own code, submit a patch to
the Fedora Project team (which then has to go through Fedora's normal
approval process), or perhaps do both.

The conflict lies in that the Fedora "everything must be OpenSource"
ideologues often cop a pretty nasty attitude towards proprietary vendors
like nVidia, and that favor is, unfortunately, often returned.

The pragmatic reality is that we will all be dealing with a mix of
OpenSource and proprietary software for the foreseeable future, whether
we like it or not. Given that, it would help if all parties involved at
least tried to hold out the proverbial olive branch and get along. That
way, actual problems might get fixed without the various camps getting
into pissing contests about who actually broke what and who is
responsible, and true software choice is preserved for everyone...




"In an age of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

--George Orwell

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