On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 11:59:35 -0600,
  "Christopher A. Williams" <chriswfed...@cawllc.com> wrote:
> The pragmatic reality is that we will all be dealing with a mix of
> OpenSource and proprietary software for the foreseeable future, whether
> we like it or not. Given that, it would help if all parties involved at
> least tried to hold out the proverbial olive branch and get along. That
> way, actual problems might get fixed without the various camps getting
> into pissing contests about who actually broke what and who is
> responsible, and true software choice is preserved for everyone...

Fedora isn't the distro to use if you have that expectation. There other
distros that would be better if you need to use nVidia's drivers and can't
afford to manage your updates to prevent kernel updates from causing problems.

If you use Fedora the expectations are that you use nouveau, that Fedora
packagers aren't responsible for debugging packages that aren't in our repos,
and that Fedora packagers shouldn't have to slow down development because some
third party is dragging their feet.
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