WHAT: Fedora QA Meeting
WHEN: 15:00 UTC (11:00 EDT, 08:00 PDT)
WHERE: #fedora-meeting

So it's meeting time again on Monday, except that it's a vacation in
both Canada and the U.S., so myself and Tim Flink, and perhaps some of
our North American community members, won't be present. If someone else
would like to step up and run the meeting, that'd be great. There aren't
any big agenda topics that I'm aware of, but it'd be good to follow up
on the previous meeting and check in on how we're looking for Beta.
Also, it's graphics test week - I haven't done much prep, but I'll try
and get the pages polished and announcements put out over the weekend.

If anyone has anything to add to the agenda, please reply to this mail,
and whoever ends up running the meeting will add it. Thanks!

Proposed agenda:
* Previous meeting follow-up
* Beta preparation
* Graphics test week
* AutoQA update
* Open discussion
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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