> WHAT: Fedora QA Meeting
> WHEN: 15:00 UTC (11:00 EDT, 08:00 PDT)
> WHERE: #fedora-meeting
> So it's meeting time again on Monday, except that it's a vacation in
> both Canada and the U.S., so myself and Tim Flink, and perhaps some of
> our North American community members, won't be present. If someone
> else
> would like to step up and run the meeting, that'd be great. There
> aren't
> any big agenda topics that I'm aware of, but it'd be good to follow up
> on the previous meeting and check in on how we're looking for Beta.
> Also, it's graphics test week - I haven't done much prep, but I'll try
> and get the pages polished and announcements put out over the weekend.
> If anyone has anything to add to the agenda, please reply to this
> mail,
> and whoever ends up running the meeting will add it. Thanks!
> Proposed agenda:
> * Previous meeting follow-up
> (https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Meetings/20110829)
> * Beta preparation
> * Graphics test week
> * AutoQA update
> * Open discussion

I hesitate whether it makes sense to run the meeting when most of the guys 
usually present are out. If there is an interest, or you have a completely new 
topic you'd like to discuss, please reply here and I'll chair the meeting. 
Otherwise we'll settle with a short email check-in for today.
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