On Oct 18, 2012, at 11:29 AM, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> I have installed the 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 kernels but they all fail at the same 
> place.  They just don't boot.  I have yum erased them to have a booting 
> kernel.  The only one that boots.
> I have lspci from machine in case if its useful.  Should I yum erase dracut/ 
> and yum install it back?

If you're going to do testing, you're going to have to learn how to actually do 
testing. I'd do bugzilla searches for the kernel component, Fedora 18, and 
toshiba in the comment field and see if anything comes up. If not, prepare to 
file a bug. I'd also do another search against systemd and toshiba and see if 
anything comes up.

To file a bug you're going to need to get more information on exactly where and 
why the boot is stalling, and John's reference to debugging dracut problems is 
a good start. And journalctl should get you more information on exactly where 
the oops or panic occurred, if that's even what's happening. Be prepared to 
take photos of your screen if you can't dump text to a network or USB stick - 
no one can infer what problem you're having without more information.

Chris Murphy
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