On Oct 18, 2012, at 2:34 PM, Antonio Olivares wrote:
> Other people post pictures and they get approved.

They're much smaller, and even this surprises me. Of the 2-3 dozen list serves 
I'm on, attachments are usually stripped without any notification or approval 

>  Why is this a big deal?

Because it isn't applicable to most of the 2000 or however many are on this 
list, and it burdens mail servers using bandwidth that's 99% wasted.

>>> I have filed bugs before but I have not dealt with dracut as it is not
>>> as friendly as when one sees a selinux alert and files a bug with bug
>>> friendly tools and configures the bugzilla account.  This dracut stuff,
>>> please forgive me, provides no such option.
>> Umm, that's because none of that infrastructure is available yet because
>> your failure is occurring so early. So if you care enough to complain
>> about such failures on a test list, then you need to care to learn
>> something new and enhance your troubleshooting skills. Or alternatively,
>> ignore the problem and use a kernel that works. You have that option.
> Yes, but I want to fix this or find a way of fixing it, but there is no easy 
> way.  
> I have looked at the troubleshooting guide but it is hard to understand.  It 
> does 
> not make sense to me.  

It sounds like you're asking for support. This isn't a support list. It's for 
testing, e.g.:" latest x86_64 kernels are crashing on my Toshiba is anyone else 
experiencing this?" And if not then you go file a bug against the appropriate 
component when you have some idea what the problem is, even if you don't know 
the fix.

You don't know the problem, nor does anyone else. So you can't possibly find a 
way to fix it. To find the problem you need to know a lot more about the boot 
process than you apparently know, and where things can fail and how, and why, 
and how to get more information from the system. Otherwise, you do what people 
(including frequently me) do when a kernel doesn't work: revert to one that 
does. If you want to test kernels, then you need to know more about how to 
troubleshoot boot failures.

> Is there anywhere where a "?" Question Mark in the above text?   Sorry sir, 
> but I am just a person trying to help in testing.  I am probably the only one 
> that encounters those errors dracut cannot find /dev/root errors.  

My toshiba won't boot how do I fix it, is not helping with testing. It's a 
support question.

By the way, cannot find /dev/root is almost certainly a bootloader problem - 
the kernel parameter line may have the wrong root= buried in it, so dracut 
isn't finding a rootfs to read or mount and thus it pukes after it's consumed 
everything it can in the initramfs.

> The world is perfect except on this toshiba laptop machine.

Now you're just repeating yourself, not useful.

>  Thank you for {helping me|guiding me|} with the problems booting FreeBSD 
> along with Fedora.  But this is an entirely different animal and it is 
> getting to be annoying.  

Some people like being annoyed. It motivates them. If you don't like being 
annoyed by these issues, work on something else. It's normal in beta testing to 
work on different things. So if you don't want to learn more about boot 
troubleshooting and provide more information and bug reports, you should revert 
to an earlier kernel that works and test something else. I find kernel boot 
testing to be about 70% exasperating so I tend to avoid it.

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