On Tue, 2012-12-04 at 15:13 -0700, Chris Murphy wrote:
> On Dec 4, 2012, at 1:43 PM, Gene Czarcinski <g...@czarc.net> wrote:
> > My problem is that I have a test system with almost all of the disk
> > space pre-allocated into various partitions.  There are /boot
> > partitions on the sda disk but the remainder are in lvm.  I cannot
> > seem to be able to get to the lvm configurations.  What am I
> > missing.
> They are in Manual Partitioning, probably listed inside "Unknown".
> You'll need to make sure you've manually created an LV because neither
> anaconda autopart or Manual Partitioning can create an LV from
> available VG free space.
> When I click on a VG that contains free space (no LVs) I get a
> message: "This device cannot be edited directly. You can remove it or
> select a different device.
> If I have a VG with many LVs, but still has free space, I can't get
> anaconda to make new LVs.

I believe this is intended to be implemented but not done yet. I'm not
sure if it's expected to show up between 18 Beta and Final, or if it'll
only show up in 19.

Gene, as Chris says, if you have existing LVs you want to use in the F18
install, they should appear in the 'Unknown' group on the left-hand pane
of custom partitioning. You can select the LV you want to use for / ,
and enter '/' in the 'Mount point' box on the right, then do the same
for an LV you want to use for /home or /var or whatever. Then if you
like you can hit 'Apply Changes' and you should see those LVs show up as
the relevant partitions in the 'New Fedora 18 Beta installation' group
at the top of the left-hand pane.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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