On Dec 4, 2012, at 11:52 PM, Gene Czarcinski <g...@czarc.net> wrote:
> I am not sure how things are suppose to work but I do not see ANY LVs!!!!

In Manual Partitioning, on the left side, you do not have an +Unknown listing 
located under -New Fedora 18 Installation? Or there are no LV's listed?

> There are regular old partitions which I can use for /boot but all of the 
> rest of my disk space is in PVs.  

What do you get for pvscan and lvscan? Are there inactive LVs?

> IMO, the whole way storage is being handled in F18 needs to be rethought!  
> Guessing how to do something should never happen.

I agree. But I think in your case the trail is leading to a bug not flawed 

Chris Murphy
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