On Dec 4, 2012, at 3:13 PM, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:

> You'll need to make sure you've manually created an LV because neither 
> anaconda autopart or Manual Partitioning can create an LV from available VG 
> free space.

By this I mean, create the LV outside of anaconda.

Slightly off topic, I'm kinda liking system-storage-manager new to F18 and 
installable from the live cd. 
yum install system-storage-manager
ssm list

And you'll get a listing of all devices, pools, volumes, and their mount 
points, better layout all in one place rather than having to go dig for info 
with multiple tools: fdisk, df, pvscan, lvscan, etc.

Chris Murphy
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