On 09/17/2014 03:39 PM, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Sep 17, 2014, at 10:55 AM, Gene Czarcinski <gczarcin...@gmail.com> wrote:

Have I missed some sort of announcement concerning the distribution packaging 
changes starting with Fedora 21?

Where is the equivalent of this 
for Fedora 21.  All of the current isos under TCx and RC1 are for live, workstation, 
server, and "spins".
I think there is going to be a Workstation DVD spin to create actual DVD media 
for give aways. I don't know how obvious the DVD image will be as a download 
option, but it's not something QA is testing as far as I know.

Server has netinst and DVD.
Workstation has netinst and Live.

Is the new direction forcing the use of netinstall for a general input when you 
do a kickstart?

There is nothing wrong with this approach it is just that was not aware it was 
being done.

I believe I may rethink my approch to installation and move away from depending 
on kickstart.
It's a valid question to ask on the desktop@ list which is where the decision 
was made to drop DVD. I think the expectation for many kickstart installs is 
with netinst with a local repository rather than limiting you to what's on the 
DVD, where you'd end up pulling stuff off a server somewhere anyway whenever 
it's not on the DVD ISO. Plus, even after a few weeks of release, the amount of 
updates is quite large so there's not much point installing the old packages on 
DVD anyway in my view. I'm kinda surprised Server went with DVD.

In a past life I had the need to install onto laptops which were not connected to anything let alone the Internet. However, I would agree that would be for a very small number of individuals. Your can always 1) setup you own local repsoitory or )2) you could use mock/pungi to build a DVD with everything you want on it.

In any case, I am leaning toward switching to use live images. The only "problem" is that I would like the ability to configure storage based on some input file rather than having to manually configure it. The reason I use kickstart is for the sotorage configuration and to specify all the packages I want installed. I wonder if there would be any interest in a liveinst enhancement for storage configuration.

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