On Thu, 20 Nov 2014 14:01:07 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:

> >     system-release-product is needed by (installed) 
> > fedora-release-21-0.16.noarch
> > 
> > As one can see, it's some virtual package or "capability", but not a direct
> > or strict dependency on "fedora-release-cloud".
> Yes. That's not "a random generic dependency".
> > Even the "fedora-release-nonproduct" package provides 
> > "system-release-product".

> [...]
> The cloud package really doesn't
> involve itself in that issue; cloud tends to crop up when you're
> struggling with this simply because it tends to be the winner when yum
> tries to solve the system-release-product requirement without any hints
> (I think because it has the equal-shortest dep chain of any of the
> packages that provide system-release-product , and comes first
> alphabetically among all those with the shortest dep chain).

So many words for what I call "a random generic dependency" => any provider
of that "thing" can win the depsolving => boom! Or "doom" for the case of
an explicit (or even implicit) conflict.

Case closed for me. I think this is broken severely and ought to have been
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