> It works well on Vine Linux 2.6/3.1 (bases on redhat).

Thanks for testing and thanks for your report.

> On bash-2.05 it is ok, but on bash-2.05b

Hm... Two questions.

What is the output of
  type ls
on your two different systems (bash-2.05 / bash-2.05b)?

Does the original script work, if you replace
  ls -l $outputFiles | verboseCat
  \ls -l $outputFiles | verboseCat

> -  OLDIFS=$IFS; IFS=$newline
> +  # OLDIFS=$IFS; IFS=$newline
>    ls -l $outputFiles | verboseCat
> +  # IFS=$OLDIFS
>    verboseMsg

That would cause other problems, however. The updmap script is very clean
about whitespace in directory names and not setting IFS would break this.

  TEXMFVAR="$HOME/.texmf var" updmap
(BTW: I just found that mktexlsr needs a whitespace related fix :-(


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