>>>>> "Xiaobin" == Xiaobin Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > [...]
    > I am updating my pdflatex from 1.11b to 1.20a-rc3-2.1.  The
    > [...]

    > I am fine of going through the compiling steps. And pdflatex is
    > ready.  But, after running pdflatex, I encountered the following
    > message:

    > --------------------------------------------------------------
    > pdflatex pdf inclusion: found pdf version <1.4> , but at most
    > version <1.0> allowed
    > --------------------------------------------------------------

Looks like 1.20a does not read pdftex.cfg.

Does it help if you put the line 

\pdfoptionpdfminorversion 4

into your document?


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-4592165
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