Does anybody know of a way to change the way page numbering is formatted?
We would like to produce a document that, instead of using sequential page numbering (1,2,3,4,.....), numbers the pages based on the sections.
(I.e., for the 6th page of Section 3, we would like the page number to be '6-3').
We have a very large document that we like to maintain hard copies of, but the document changes frequently, and it is not practical to reprint the entire document every time it changes, so we would like to print changed sections only, and not have the entire page numbers be messed up throughout the rest of the document.
Thanks for any info.
In TeX this is very simple
you need to define a counter which specify the section
then each time you call a routine called say \Section it will increase the counter
\def\Section#1#2 etc...{some stuff that you want and add the increment: \global\advance\mysection by 1}
then say at the beginning:
\nopagenumbers \footline={\line{\hfill \the\pageno - \the\mysection}
that's it
ps:\pageno is by default a counter which count pages...
-- Prediction is difficult, especially of the future: NEILS BOHR
Pasquale Nardone Université Libre de Bruxelles Physique Générale & Laboratoire de Didactique, CP 231, Bld du Triomphe, 2 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium tel: +32.2.6505515 tel secr: +32.2.6505618 fax: +32.2.6505332 web: http://homepages.ulb.ac.be/~pnardon/ ou encore http://physinfo.ulb.ac.be/