>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Esser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Thomas> There is a
Thomas> security feature build into texlinks, so that it only
Thomas> changes/creates symlinks. It does not remove real binaries

OK.  But the ebuilds write to an empty temp directory before merging
that into the real filesystem, so the etex binary I had to move out of
the way did not come from the previous install but was compiled by the
ebuild from the 3.0 sources....

Thomas> You installation propably has generated such a message which
Thomas> you did not notice (well, I see that there are tons of log
Thomas> messages written; so this is too much to spot such errors).

Yes, that log file is 17970 lines long....

I do find that it tried to run texlinks w/o pointing at a fmtutil.cnf,
although it does set TEXMFMAIN and PATH to try and make the scripts
work in the image before merging to root.

I'll post a report on bugs.gentoo.org and see what comes of it.


James H. Cloos, Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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