On Fri, 16 Sep 2005, Tasos Drosopoulos wrote:

Problem: Have reached the point of publishing a book written in LaTeX. Have
         generated the pdf file with pdflatex which looks fine on my system
         and prints fine from my laser printer. On the publisher system it
         looks fine on screen (acrobat reader 5.0 and 6.0) but on the
         print-ready version a number of fonts (math fonts) are printed on
         top of one another, framed boxed have lines that cross text and
         these defects are seen through every page.

         Publisher cannot handle this and the only solution he recommends is
         to rewrite the book in Word.

This is obviously a problem with the printer's system (looks good on screen but doesn't print right) so tell them to fix it or get yourself a new printer (I assume you mean "printer" not publisher). Any printer who recommends you use Word should be avoided; my printer told me to send them anything BUT Word!

You could try generating the PDF with "ps2pdf13" and maybe ps2pdf12.

You could also have the films done by a prepress shop that knows Latex; I could suggest a name.

Another thing to try would be install GSView on the printer's system and see if they can correctly print out a PS version.

good luck!


         I do not want to do this.

Steps I took to solve problem: ------------------------------

A google search indicates that the problem may be that I do not have all
fonts embedded in the pdf doc and the publisher system may substitute other
inappropriate fonts.  I have xpdf on my system and I run pdffonts on the pdf
doc. A long list of fonts appear and most of them have settings emb=yes,
sub=yes, uni=no which I assume means that they are embedded in the document.

The following however have settings

name                                 type         emb sub uni object ID
------------------------------------ ------------ --- --- --- ---------
Helvetica-BoldOblique                Type 1C      yes no  no     177  0
NewCenturySchlbk-BoldItalic          Type 1C      yes no  no     178  0
Helvetica-Bold                       Type 1C      yes no  no     193  0
Times-Roman                          Type 1C      yes no  no     206  0
Times-Italic                         Type 1C      yes no  no     947  0
Helvetica-Bold                       Type 1C      yes no  no    4100  0
[none]                               Type 3       yes no  no    4148  0
[none]                               Type 3       yes no  no    4164  0
Helvetica-BoldOblique                Type 1C      yes no  no    4165  0
[none]                               Type 3       yes no  no    4188  0
[none]                               Type 3       yes no  no    4252  0
[none]                               Type 3       yes no  no    4274  0

which I assume means they are not embedded in the document.

Looking into the updmap.cfg I see that the option some people recommend

        pdftexDownloadBase14 true

is already set to true. I also set (looks to have something to do with
embedding fonts)

  dvipsDownloadBase35 true

run updmap and texhash but see nothing different in the resulting pdf doc.

Request for help:

I assume people who have published have encountered similar problems. Am I
on the right track thinking that I have to embed all fonts? How do I do
this with the pdflatex that comes with tetex-3.0? Are there other options
that I have to turn on in the updmap.cfg file? Some command-line switches
that I could pass to pdflatex? Some other route that I should take in
preparing the pdf doc? I also gave the publisher a postscript file that was
produced by dvips (with no command line switches) and his distiller errored
out on unknown fonts that could not be found or substituted.

Well, I have described my problem as well as I could. I switched to LaTeX
years ago since I use plenty of math in my work and have no desire
whatsoever to go to Word if I can avoid it :)

I hope that someone in the list can give me some advice. Did I say I was


Tasos Drosos

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