On 2005-09-16 20:05:55 +0300, Tasos Drosopoulos wrote:
> Problem: Have reached the point of publishing a book written in LaTeX. Have
>        generated the pdf file with pdflatex which looks fine on my system
>        and prints fine from my laser printer. On the publisher system it
>        looks fine on screen (acrobat reader 5.0 and 6.0) but on the
>        print-ready version a number of fonts (math fonts) are printed on
>        top of one another, framed boxed have lines that cross text and
>        these defects are seen through every page.
>        Publisher cannot handle this and the only solution he recommends is
>        to rewrite the book in Word.

The Publisher probably has an old/broken RIP and should update
it. Since they seem to have insufficient knowledge of PDF I
suggest switching the publisher.


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