Quoting Ralf Stubner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> > In this situation, I don't want to encourage
> > people to use these fonts.
> I find this difficult to understand, especially as metrics for the
> commercial Lucida and MathTime fonts are included in tetex-texmf. The
> destinction between, say, Charter and Utopia should be clear for most
> people, since the Utopia fonts have to be downloaded separately.

On Fedora Core 4:
$ xlsfonts -fn '-*-utopia-*-0-0-*-adobe-standard'

The Utopia fonts are already present on many systems, either thru 
X or thru GS, so it is more a matter of knowing which symbolic links 
to create in a given environment.

In this case, encouraging people to use the fonts is the right thing, as
it will generate pressure to provide the missing glyphs for other languages.
Adobe may feel an obligation to have their lawyers find a way around the
current impass, or at least use a different license the next time they donate a

George N. White III
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

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