> I am trying to port the latest DVIPS (5.95a) to VMS. I extracted the
> sources from the teTeX distribution, but my compiler (DEC C 6.5)
> complaines about undeclared identifiers:
>    if (O_BINARY && !isatty(fileno(in)))
> .......^
> %CC-E-UNDECLARED, In this statement, "O_BINARY" is not declared.
> In comp.lang.c I have seen O_BINARY, O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, O_TRUNC,
> O_CREAT, which seem to be PC (Borland?) specific.

No, all of those (except possibly O_BINARY) should be defined in

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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