On 4/15/06, Reinhard Kotucha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "gnwiii" == gnwiii  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   > Sam2p is useful for people who don't use teTeX, so it should be
>   > packaged separately.

What I meant was that the set of people who can benefit from using
sam2p is not a subset of (te)TeX users.  I suspect the number of
people who would benefit from using sam2p is much larger than the
number of people who actually use (te)TeX.

> Sorry, but I don't understand this sentence.  Do you mean that sam2p
> is not useful for teTeX users?  Or do you mean that sam2p is provided
> by the operating system already?

I mean that if sam2p is to be provided, it should be packaged for a
wider audience.  When a good tool is used by more people, all the tool
users benefit, and the work of maintaining and supporting the package
gets spread across more people.  There are sam2p packages for Debian
(unstable) and Mandriva Linux, can Red Hat and SUSE be far behind?

>   > teTeX relies on lots of 3rd party software.  It can't possibly
>   > include everything,
> That's true.  However, it is planned to integrate sam2p into TeXLive-2006.

TeXLive reaches Win32 users, which is a whole different situation, as
very few Win32 users would install a command-line tool.  On Win32 TL
has to provide all the command-line tools.

Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia

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