Frank: Iris is the one I asked about a telephone glyph in latex years
ago, while hacking my resume.

I'd like to share my experiences as a naive user trying to get that
telephone glyph into my resume.

I created a small file for testing, tel.tex.


First, Linux:

(martin@lasker) ~/i/resume $ /usr/bin/latex tel.tex
warning: kpathsea: No usable entries in /usr/share/texmf/ls-R.
warning: kpathsea: See the manual for how to generate ls-R.
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
LaTeX2e <1998/12/01> patch level 1
Document Class: article 1997/10/10 v1.3x Standard LaTeX document class

! LaTeX Error: File `pifont.sty' not found.

Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,

Ok, let's try another machine (Solaris):

(martin@aix) ~/i/resume $ latex tel.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
LaTeX2e <1998/06/01>
Document Class: article 1998/05/05 v1.3y Standard LaTeX document class

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `U/pzd/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `U/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 60.

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `U/psy/m/n' undefined
(Font)              using `U/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 61.

) (tel.aux) [1] (tel.aux)

LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.

Output written on tel.dvi (1 page, 216 bytes).
Transcript written on tel.log.

Hmmm, that got further.  It had the package, but apparently not the

Detour to install teTeX 1.0.7....

Let's try AIX:

(martin@aix) ~/i/resume $ latex tel.tex
This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)
LaTeX2e <1999/12/01> patch level 1
Babel <v3.6Z> and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, n
ohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: article 1999/09/10 v1.4a Standard LaTeX document class
(/project/mule/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/latex/psnfss/upsy.fd)) (tel.aux) [1]
(tel.aux) )
Output written on tel.dvi (1 page, 256 bytes).
Transcript written on tel.log.

Success!!  But wait, a dvi file by itself is not enough...

(martin@aix) ~/i/resume $ LANG=C xdvi tel.dvi
Could not load program xdvi.bin:
        Dependent module /usr/lib/libXt.a(shr.o) could not be loaded.
        Member shr.o is not found in archive 

Hmmm.  A shared library build glitch.  

(martin@aix) /usr/lpp/X11/lib/R6 $ ar tv libXt.a
rw-rw----  2715/300     3872 Jun 16 04:13 1999 sharedlib.o
rw-rw----  2715/300     4257 Jun 16 04:13 1999 sharedlib_64.o
rw-r--r--     2/2     624928 Dec 08 12:16 1999 shr4.o
rw-r--r--     2/2     772522 Dec 08 12:16 1999 shr_64.o

That shouldn't happen on a more
common platform.  So back to teTeX on Solaris:

(martin@polgar) ~/i/resume $ xdvi tel.dvi
kpathsea: Running mktexpk --mfmode ljfour --bdpi 600 --mag 1+0/600 --dpi 600 pzdr
mktexpk: Running gsftopk pzdr 600
gsftopk(k) version 1.17
gs: No such file or directory
gs terminated abnormally with status 1

grep: pzdr.log: No such file or directory
mktexpk: `gsftopk pzdr 600' failed to make pzdr.600pk.
kpathsea: Appending font creation commands to missfont.log.
xdvi.bin: can't find font pzdr; using cmr10 instead at 600 dpi.

Oh well :-(  

But we don't really need to use xdvi.  We only need dvips.

(martin@polgar) ~/i/resume $ dvips -o tel.dvi
This is dvips(k) 5.86 Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software (
' TeX output 2001.04.20:1657' ->
<><>. [1] 

That was easy.

But polgar doesn't have a gv.  Back to Linux.

(martin@lasker) ~/i/resume $ gv
VFlib: Cannot open the font `min'.

Unexpected interpreter error -1.
Error object: 
Unrecoverable error: unknownerror in kfVFlib
Operand stack:
    min  0  10273  0  10273  c21  Private
(f80)op(510:kfVFlib)0x80a9000Operand stack at 0x81c41a0:
0x81cbeb4: 0x0d name --S------ 0x05a8 0x0820a6c0 = Private
0x81cbebc: 0x0d name --S------ 0x0d25 0x08502fd0 = c21
0x81cbec4: 0x0b int  --F------ 0x01e2 0x00002821 = 10273
0x81cbecc: 0x0b int  --F------ 0x0d7a 0x00000000 = 0
0x81cbed4: 0x0b int  --F------ 0x01e2 0x00002821 = 10273
0x81cbedc: 0x0b int  --F------ 0x0d7a 0x00000000 = 0
0x81cbee4: 0x12 str
Error: PostScript interpreter failed in main window.


But this is a resume.  I don't really need to view it on my monitor.
Maybe this postscript file is printable.  But my Linux box never got
printing properly installed.  I'm back to a Solaris box.

(martin@mule) ~/i/resume $ lp
request id is mulealw-3 (1 file)

Amazingly, this actually succeeded in printing a real telephone glyph!

But it shouldn't be this hard.

I'm now thinking that, much as I love that telephone symbol, and as
much as I enjoyed this hacking session, I'd better keep my document
portable and viewable and printable, so I'd better leave it out.



 > The bonsai unfortunately, shows no signs of life.  Probably not enough
 > sun.  We will try to find a new home, perhaps liberating it from its
 > clay prison.

the latter makes it a non-bonsai i fair

 > ObLatex: I don't remember if I mentioned this... When I first
 > converted my resume to Latex, the only feature I had to give up was a
 > cute little telephone glyph.  My previous resume used the markup
 > &TEL., which I had to change to a literal "Tel."  Probably this
 > feature was or is available in Latex today, but I didn't know where to
 > find it.




See \LaTeX{} Companion page 336--337


\telephonesign{} +49 6131 368444 \\
\alttelephonesign{} +49 6131 366983 \\
\lettersign{} Zedernweg 62, 55128 Mainz, Germany



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