> Sketch needs to know about the LaTeX fonts in order to display them. In 
> particular a directory with the *.afm files has to be added to the 
> sketch font path.... The afm files are not needed by LaTeX, so may not 

So, just
  cd texmf/fonts/afm
and all afm files will be there. You still need the afm files from
cmps-unix.tar.gz since these are not included in teTeX.

> Similarly, the X server font path needs to have the *.pfb files from 
> Latex, and that one has me stumped.

These files can be found in

> I administer 8 different RedHat systems, and don't want to have to 
> custom edit font stuff in each one unless really necessary, so I'm 
> asking here.

I'd copy or symlink all type1 files from TeX into one directory for X.
Then, use type1inst to create a fonts.scale file.

If the different RedHat systems are networked, you can set up a font
server for X, so you'll be able to maintain the fonts at one single place.


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