On Mon, 16 Sep 2002, Alan Tu wrote:

> Hi, I'm using teTeX on Linux. I've installed an Arabic extension to laTeX.
> My problem is, when I type
> dvips -o current.ps current.dvi
> on a console I get the right result. But when I put this command in my
> crontab, current.ps is not generated.

This doesn't tell us much -- does dvips run with errors or is dvips
not found by the cron job?
> My guess is that when jobs are executed with cron, the right path isn't set
> in the environment. So my question is, in what environment variable do I
> specify the path, and do I specify the path to the *.pk files in this
> variable? Thanks.

For a typical installation all that is needed for dvips to work properly
is that the directory where it is located be listed in the PATH variable. 
Depending on how you add extensions, you may be using some environment
variable(s), but in general it is best to make changes in the texmf.cnf
file.  With linux, I prefer to leave the distribution untouched (so I can
just install the vendor's updates without affecting the local additions)
and put local changes under the /usr/local tree.  You can use a custom
configuration by setting just one variable, e.g.,


You need to verify your configuration for the console and then ensure that
the cron command is run with the same setting.  You should read the teTeX
documentation to learn how to manage teTeX's configuration.  You can then
write some simple cron jobs to check the settings for that environment
and compare with what you got for the console.

George White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Halifax, Nova Scotia

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