>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Tu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    > Hi, I'm using teTeX on Linux. I've installed an Arabic extension
    > to laTeX.  My problem is, when I type dvips -o current.ps
    > current.dvi on a console I get the right result. But when I put
    > this command in my crontab, current.ps is not generated.

    > My guess is that when jobs are executed with cron, the right
    > path isn't set in the environment. 

Run the following cronjob:


set > /tmp/cron_env

and look into /tmp/cron_env .

    > So my question is, in what
    > environment variable do I specify the path, and do I specify the
    > path to the *.pk files in this variable? Thanks.

If the PATH variable is set properly, texmf.cnf should be found and you
don't have to set any other environment variable.

Probably your cronjob should look like:



export PATH

cd /path/to/directory

dvips -o current.ps current


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