> > ^[[H^[[2JError opening terminal: generic.
> > ^[[H^[2Jmake: *** [install] Error 1
> It appears that your TERM variable is set to "generic" rather than 
> something like "xterm" or "vt100".  I think this failure is in the

texconfig is passing this TERM=generic setting to dialog (or
tcdialog). This is a fail-safe setting because dialog is compiled with
a static version of ncurses and this might
  1) have trouble to find the right path for the terminfo files on the
     system it runs on
  2) might have touble to use the terminfo files, because they are not
     necessarily compatible with ncurses

That's why texconfig passes settings for TERM and the TERMINFO path
to dialog.

This only works, however, if teTeX's texmf tree is properly installed.


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