  I've tried to compile current TeTex on Tru64Unix 5.1A with latest
version of compilers from Compaq/HP, and I got the error below. Please, cc
me in any replies.

cc tex-file.c -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -I./.. -I/software/@sys/usr/include 
-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/openssl/include -O2 -arch ev56 -Olimit 1000 -std1 -c 
-o STATIC/tex-file.o
cc: Error: ../kpathsea/paths.h, line 4: Missing ";". (nosemi)
cc: Error: ../kpathsea/paths.h, line 4: An unexpected newline character is present in 
a string literal. (nlstring)
cc: Error: ../kpathsea/paths.h, line 8: An unexpected newline character is present in 
a string literal. (nlstring)
cc: Error: ../kpathsea/paths.h, line 114: An unexpected newline character is present 
in a string literal. (nlstring)
cc: Error: ../kpathsea/paths.h, line 118: An unexpected newline character is present 
in a string literal. (nlstring)
cc: Error: ../kpathsea/paths.h, line 162: An unexpected newline character is present 
in a string literal. (nlstring)
cc: Error: ../kpathsea/str-llist.h, line 40: Invalid declarator. (declarator)
cc: Error: ../kpathsea/paths.h, line 160: An unexpected newline character is present 
in a string literal. (nlstring)
make[2]: *** [tex-file.lo] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/scratch/tetex/tetex-src-2.0/texk/kpathsea'

Please note, that configure forced usage CFLAGS -Olimit 1000 -std1 .
-std1 makes cc into more strict mode, although it is sometimes better
than standard -std. I'm not sure about limiting the optimization by
default. I don't think it's a good idea and I as a user did not ask for
it either.

The reason for my problems is, that I've configured with


The @sys is AFS kernel variable, which is not expanded by shell, by kernel
itself. However, it broke configure. I know automake has been fixed
recently to treat properly this variable (actually not to break on `@'
sign. Maybe this is the same problem, I don't know, maybe it's enough to
recreate configure with never auto* tools.

The generated paths.h looks like:

      1 /* paths.h: Generated from texmf.cnf. */
      2 #ifndef DEFAULT_TEXMFMAIN
      3 #define DEFAULT_TEXMFMAIN "/software/
      4 sys/usr/share/texmf"
      5 #endif
      6 #ifndef DEFAULT_TEXMFLOCAL
      7 #define DEFAULT_TEXMFLOCAL "/software/
      8 sys/usr/share/texmf-local"
      9 #endif
     10 #ifndef DEFAULT_HOMETEXMF
     11 #define DEFAULT_HOMETEXMF "$HOME/texmf"
     12 #endif
     13 #ifndef DEFAULT_TEXMF
     14 #define DEFAULT_TEXMF 
     15 #endif
     16 #ifndef DEFAULT_SYSTEXMF
     17 #define DEFAULT_SYSTEXMF "/software/@sys/usr/share/texmf"
     18 #endif
     20 #define DEFAULT_VARTEXFONTS "/var/tmp/texfonts"
     21 #endif

PGP5.0i key is at http://www.natur.cuni.cz/~mmokrejs
MIPS / Institute for Bioinformatics <http://mips.gsf.de>
GSF - National Research Center for Environment and Health
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