Christian Mondrup skryf:
> Thomas.Hafner wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > let me try to say in English what I've already asked in Usenet
> > de.comp.text.tex, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, but there doesen't
> > seem to be any music folks.
> > 
> > I'm using m-tx 0.52-2 for two staves, two voices per stave (is "stave"
> > a bundle of five lines with a clef at the left side?). I'm not
> > familiar with MusiXTeX and it's quite comfortable for me to use m-tx.
> > But if the two voices of the same stave come very close together
> > (prime or second interval), the corresponding notes do overlap. I
> > think they should be shifted. How can I do it using m-tx?
> > 
> > Here's an example:
> > 
> > | g8  g  b4  e-    |
> > | f8  f  f4  e     |
> > 
> use the suffix token 'r' which causes the note to be displaced to the 
> right - as described in the M-Tx manual. You should also carefully study 
> the PMX documentation.
> | g8  g  b4  e-    |
> | f8r  fr  f4  e     |
There is of course also a suffix for displacement to the left, not 'l'
as you might expect but 'e'.

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