On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hello all,
> Olivier Vogel has sent me a revision of the code I posted the other
> day. From the DVI he also sent me, I can tell that this revision is
> exactly what I'm after. The trouble is that, when I process the same
> file, all I get for my trouble is a slew of "undefined control
> sequence" errors and an output file with several extraneous vertical
> lines.
I processed the tex file on linux and it ran smoothly giving the correct
result. I copied it to windows and indeed, got your problems.
> Olivier has suggested that the line breaks might be at fault; he's on
> a Mac, I'm on Windows. I've tried to save the .tex file with other
> line breaking symbols, but this hasn't fixed the problem.
No this is not the problem. My editor makes the conversion automatically.
However, I found that the missing control sequences were in musixtex.tex.
I loaded the newest version and BIngo, it worked. You should load

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