On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thu, 02 Jan 2003 14:03:59 +0000 (CET), "I. Oppenheim"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >The biggest problem, though, is that there does not
> >seem to exist an introductory tutorial in English,
> >providing some simple examples how to work with pmx and
> >MusiXTeX.
> I agree entirely, and as a matter of fact I was drafting a comment
> along the same lines in reply to Christof's post when Irwin's mail
> reached me. Daniel's MusixTeX manual is one of the best pieces of
> software documentation I've come across, but for anyone who isn't
> conversant with TeX to begin with, it's rather daunting to try to
> teach yourself MusixTeX from it. (It can be done -- I managed it, with
> a lot of help from listmembers and especially Werner Icking -- but it
> does take a fair amount of dedication.)
> So... is anyone already writing such a tutorial or making a New Year's
> resolution to do so? Or am I going to end up regressing myself to my
> early MusixTeX days to remember the difficulties I had, and do the
> deed myself? (For MusixTeX, anyway -- as I've never managed to learn
> PMX, someone else would have to handle that side of things.)
> Eva
> Downloadable guitar edition of J.S. Bach, Lute Suite BWV 995:
> http://icking-music-archive.sunsite.dk/scores/bach/bwv995/bwv995cg.pdf
> --
> "People think that I can teach them style. What stuff it all is!
> Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is
> the only secret of style."
>         --- Matthew Arnold (1898), quoted in David and
>             Hilary Crystal's "Words on Words" (2000)
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> TeX-music mailing list
> http://sunsite.dk/mailman/listinfo/tex-music
This whole thread sent me into a deep sigh: I promised (to Don Simons
and to this list) to produce an augmented English translation of
Cataldi's Italian pmx manual right after it appeared. This was about 3
months ago. I am now through with about half of it --- progress is
(too) slow because I (as probably most of you other musixtex
afficionados) have a completely different main job, which does need
some amount of attention, too.

But its coming! So my New Year's resolve to finish the manual ASAP
is not totally without a realistic basis. So don't give up on me.

The point raised in this thread are, of course, equally valid.
Musixtex itself doesnt need (much) improvement; but its general
usability certainly does!

Happy New Year!
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